Bathroom and Kitchen Remodel
When you are considering a bathroom remodel or a kitchen renovation, adding glass to your project can create a level of sophistication and elegance unmatched by other building materials.
Glass shower enclosures used in a bathroom remodel will fully accentuate the tile features. And glass countertops added to your base cabinet make for a truly beautiful and durable bathroom sink.
In the kitchen, glass makes a great material for your renovation or remodel. The modern trend in kitchens is to have a serving area that is raised, and glass offers a light, open feel (in addition to being a great material for the application). Durable and easy to clean, a glass countertop in your kitchen will be the envy of all your friends and neighbors.
Glass decorations can include kitchen cabinet glass, with over a hundred glass options available. We offer glass that looks old, hip, modern, or even far out. And another great decorating idea- glass shelves!
More Than Glass has provided advice and installation for over 10 years, assisting with hundreds of Northern Virginia home renovations, Richmond home renovations, and Virginia Beach home renovations and remodeling.